Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He writes, in his heart...

the beauty of his lips touching yours
far surpasses a poet's verse
but when he speaks of moments such
it's beauty breathes life in his words

for he spoke not of things grand
nor things yet unseen, untold
your faintest smile, your simplest glance
in his heart he writes and holds :)

David Antony, 02/14


  1. The simplest, the heartfelt, they are all here :)
    Wish you all the love too that your hearts can hold :)

    Thank you for the visit, and the note left behind on my space :)

    1. Thank you, again for the visit and for the wishes!!

  2. Awww! Simply beautiful! nothing new youve expressed.. nor any metaphors used.. but somethings dont need all those to be truely beautiful.. n ur poem.. is such!

    1. Meena! thank you for stopping by :) - i realized i havent visited your blogs in ages... so am back reading one by one.. so dont be surprised if you get comments on old posts :D
