Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Where art thou?

"Where art thou",
she asked and
i couldn't say here
neither could i point there
for i wasn't anywhere
yet, i was here and there...

i asked the same question
when i looked into the mirror
i got back a stare
of a man not knowing
why, when or where
just that the answer was rooted in the stare

now how do i say
i am living in a state 
suspended between fact and fiction
in the thick of action
yet tucked away from glare
all covered but bare...

after weaving words
in an organized, random chaos
i still cannot say where i am
but i want to be back
only if i could cut some slack
and be more real.

real, unreal, surreal
is what am vaccilating between
only if i stopped at one place
feet firmly on the ground - i could be sure
and tell you or maybe shout out, M'am
here i am :)

(in reply to Usha's question..... )


  1. And what a way to put it, David!
    On your way with words, you can't put a lid!
    Am I glad, am I ever glad, asked I did!!!!
    For here you are, with more verse Splendid!

    Thank you for this utterly charming reply! Especially liked these lines:

    real, unreal, surreal
    is what am vaccilating between

    Me three, is what I want to shout :D

    Thank you for being here, and there :) Real, with some wonderful surreal words to share! God Bless!

  2. Dave you are neither here not there but everywhere !! These are really amazing set of words coming together and creating symphony.
