Thursday, November 02, 2006

Loved and lost?....

Is there sadness in my eyes?
Does my smile speak of pain?

Is my laughter masked with sorrow?
Am I crying once again?

Is there hope for tomorrow?

Will I see a dawn once again?
Am I destined to lose it all?
Are my tears flowing in vain?

Does love have a meaning,
if two loving hearts can’t unite?
Do relationships have a meaning –
When all you can do is fight?

Have you seen a tunnel,
that has no start, no end?
Am I looking down one such,
or is it just a bend?

What happened to those days?
When nothing seemed to go wrong?
Where did I lose those moments?
Or was it Utopia all along?

What happened to that smile,
That never left my face?
Did she run away?
To sorrow, she lost the race?

What wrong have I done?
Why should I pay the cost?

Are all doors really closed on me?
Have I really loved and lost?

Did you hear footsteps?
Is something coming my way?
Oh! That’s just a bag of sorrows -
And they are here to stay!

David Antony,
02/11/2006, 23:59


  1. Long time no post!! so, WELCOME BACK!!

    The post is too gud, dave! keep it up!! and keep posting more often..

  2. Sorrow may come quite so dont u worry!! they r never here to stay....they jz mk u value happiness evn more...n its for u to realise dat nothng can b attained easily...Sorrow is jz anothr lesson of life.....

  3. sorrows r like shadows... just remember the quote here
    "Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby".

  4. sorrows r like shadows... just remember the quote here
    "Never fear shadows. They simply mean there's a light shining somewhere nearby".

  5. @Girija
    Thanggue for sharing the wise words...

  6. BEAUTIFUL!!!!! have no other word to describe it... the picture of sorrow is gorgeously brought out. you are a person who play with words i suppose. keep up the gud work.....

  7. @Pinkpearl..

    Thank you for coming by and visiting.... and thanks a lot for encouraging :-))

  8. Now i think i can understand ur distressed mind, under the influence of which u had written this.... a very good poem....dat actually distresses my heart...
