Monday, July 25, 2011

Back and Forth..... and Back Again?

my heart ached,
how could i leave it unfinished?
i took steps to go away,
but went back
and forth
and back again....
oh, the pain!

my lips parched,
i cant leave it half-done -
no, i cannot go away!
i will go back
and forth
and back again...
can't refrain

my heart raced,
oh why is it so tough
to just leave it and run!
do i have to go back
and forth
and back again?
am i that insane?

like with unfinished stories,
from half-attended coffee mugs -
i cant walk away...
i will go back
and forth
and back again
and again and again! :)

[Well, this is what it does to you when you leave your coffee mug unfinished in the morning and rush back and forth wanting to dash to work but still not wanting to let go of coffee! :D]

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Antidote or Pain?

She calms me, she claims me
she lays me bare
she finds me, she holds me
catches me unawares!

She plays me, she teases
sets up a trap!
she looks at me, she gestures
and am stuck in a time wrap!

She loves me, she hates me
and loves me again
she hurts me, she nurses
is both the antidote and the pain!

Sunday, July 17, 2011


if you had to ask me what stimulation means
or what being-turned on is
or what being on high is all about....

if you ask me what seduction means
or how going weak in the knees feels like
or what's it like to to be intoxicated...

if you were to ask me what lifts me up
or what keeps me on toes
or what i am longing for...

i'd reply,
Coffee? :)

(Coffee comes to the rescue most of the times when i feel so sleepy and like the "dumb-self" in distress...such times, and especially when in office, coffee is the knight-ess in no armor ;)..)

Sunday, July 03, 2011


being happy is easy
really is
i do not have to think much
when i think of bliss...

just have to close my eyes,
think of you
and there's the happiness streak
that leads to you!