Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A fleeting thought,a glorified word,
that is not what Freedom is...
A bunch of songs, a flag to boast,
Freedom is much more than this...
It is a state of mind, it is a way of life
it is to live with pride - not just survive...
the whole world knows and so sings the wind -
come join me as i shout, Jai Hind

David Antony


  1. Jai Hind!!

    And I loved the pic too.. :)

  2. @Shrads,

    Jai Hind :-))

    the pic - jst happened - jst got the 3 pics and they blended well..

  3. well jai hind!

    And thanks for reading my blog...stay tuned for more and potion is already brewed in forms of my poetry and the coronation of people and situations around...
    And hopefully you taste the perfect love potion that does require ears, sperm and no tongues :D

  4. hey dude... nice blog.. dint know u into blogging... nice pic btw.. keep in tuch bye ..
